Archive for October 15th, 2010

I Loathe the View

October 15, 2010

I don’t know where these women got their interviewing skills, but I think they suck.  With regards to my last post, I would PAY them to shut up! 

And I know I said I’d try to do better but this show makes it extremely difficult.

What does being “sexy” have to do with running for the Presidency of the United States?  Yuck.

Pelosi’s cause for illegals is for the Democratic vote and nothing more.  Bill is right, take religion out or leave it in.  You can’t have it both ways.

Barney Frank should be held accountable, but nobody talks about that except Bill O’Reilly

Whoppi has gas, she needs to blow it out her ass.  You asked for an opinion, Bill is trying to explain why he thinks the chasm is growing between the President and the American people and you freak?  Joy has no couth, walk off when your guest is trying to back up what he said after you want proof?  Dumb ass.

Anyway, I say good for Bill O’Reilly.  You have to admire him for continually coming back on the View.  I will read his book.
